52歌赋>英语词典>shore up翻译和用法

shore up

英 [ʃɔː(r) ʌp]

美 [ʃɔːr ʌp]

支撑; 支持; 加强


  • PHRASAL VERB 支撑;支持;加强
    If youshore upsomething that is weak or about to fail, you do something in order to strengthen it or support it.
    1. The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.



  • support by placing against something solid or rigid
    1. shore and buttress an old building
    Synonym:prop uppropshore


  • In Shanghai, government moves to shore up the markets continued to boost confidence.
  • To shore up profits, companies are cutting costs, and that includes money for new technology.
  • All month you'll need to shore up your strength, because when unexpected things happen, it'll feel like you were hit by a bus-you have to be strong enough to withstand the impact.
  • Moves by governments and regulators around the world to shore up banking systems and financial markets risked a push towards financial protectionism, the like of which had not been seen since before the Second World War, a leading group of bankers warned yesterday.
  • Policymakers hope the move will shore up confidence and help shock the credit markets back to life.
  • Shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down.
  • On Sunday China cut benchmark interest rates for the third time in six months to shore up flagging activity.
  • Government interventions to shore up the housing market add an extra element of unpredictability.
  • We have to find something to shore up the sagging floors, otherwise it would soon fall down.
  • Over the next few years we will also have continued profits from our normal operations and increased profit from Wing Hang Bank as well, he added. Our retained earnings will also build up, which will shore up our capital base.